Travel Companions

Title 寻找去长鼻猴生态保护区及萤河游踪同伴
Tour Garama Proboscis Monkey & Fireflies
Desire Date 2011-07-11 (Date is fix and not negotiable)
Convener suki Female
Content 寻找去长鼻猴生态保护区及萤河游踪同伴
Post Date 2013-04-10
IP location United States
  • sabrina Female   United States | 2013-04-27 20:55:30

    您好.我本身是沙巴人.有朋友旅遊業者.在jesselton point碼頭也有櫃台.他們有辦去美人島,國家公園島,觀賞螢火蟲和長鼻喉等服務.如果有需要,可以寄信給我,為你安排行程.他們有為2~4人服務,從不同國家其他旅客一起湊團,不需要先付訂金也能為你保留為置 :) 希望能為你服務 email: [email protected]

  • Alice Female   United States | 2013-04-28 14:34:00

    we planning to go sabah on july, we have 6 person here, pls help to plan the journey and PM me all the detail, incleded hotel, accomudation , fare....

  • sabrina Female   United States | 2013-04-28 15:31:50

    Dear Alice,
    the travel agent only provide 1 day trip/ 2day trip local tour. For example, Klias river tour, city tour, Sapi island, Mantanani Island, Kundasan day trip etc. They didnt arrange for hotel accomodation.
    Which day trip are you interested? May i have your email so that i can PM the tour detail and fare to you?
    Thankyou :)

  • Alice chiu Female   United States | 2013-04-29 07:21:31

    This is my email address , pls pm me ur day tour detail and fare for 6 person , thanks !

  • sabrina Female   United States | 2013-04-29 07:27:40

    Dear Alice,

    Sorry, the email you fill in the form was hidden to public, I can't see the email. Can you re-post you email again on CONTENT column? or directly email me: [email protected] ? Thankyou :)

  • 貪小便宜的受害者 Male   United States | 2013-05-15 12:02:36

    請大家不要相信sabrina, 她提供的都是非法的tour, 沒有牌, 做黑的, 講好的價錢返程時說還要另外付司導小費(他們司機兼導遊, 不知道有沒有導遊牌), 每人10RM, 奉勸各位出來玩不要省那十幾塊...

  • lingleung Female   United States | 2013-05-21 17:15:14

    Sabrina: How much to Kelly Bay one day tour?

  • Vaibhav Male   United States | 2013-07-29 22:00:21

    Your answer shows real incleeiglnte.

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