Travel Companions

Title 請求優惠碼或同行
Route Half Day Charter Service to Attraction Point
Desire Date 2013-10-19 (Date is fix and not negotiable)
Convener Dicky Male
Content 我10月12-19會在沙巴,希望有一天包車到近郊的水鄉,有興趣結伴請聯絡我!
同時徵求優惠碼一組,願意分享的話請發到[email protected],謝謝!
Post Date 2013-09-13
IP location United States
  • ginavanti Female   United States | 2013-09-25 12:35:10


  • ginavanti Female   United States | 2013-09-25 12:39:51


  • Dicky Male   United States | 2013-09-25 13:47:15

    本來有想去顛倒屋,但沒有找到同伴包車就不會去,你什麼時候去呢?我電郵[email protected]

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