
Sabah Booking(以下簡稱“本公司”)為了提供優質服務及順利的行程予預訂方(以下簡稱“您”),以及確保雙方都能在充分暸解的情況下完成交易,訂定服務條款如下:


  1. 『確認單』不能作為訂位的保證,運營商/旅遊公司有權因應客滿的狀況取消您的預訂(沒有給訂金的預訂)而不事先通知,但本公司會密切追踪您的預訂是否有變,若有變化將盡快通知您。若要避免這類狀況,您必須預先繳付全額或部分預訂金(根據各運營商或旅遊公司的政策),以確實保留您的預訂。

  2. 所有的住宿、配套、旅遊團、租車及其他服務項目,在您提出詢問本公司替您查詢時即使有名額可供預訂,本公司是無法替您先卡位的,只能請該單位盡可能預留。在收到您的付款及完整的個人資料後,我們才送往預訂,才能確實保留名額。

  3. 若查詢名額並向您報告可供訂位後,但所有訂位程序、付款、資料繳交在數天後才完成,我們無法保證該名額還有被預留。

  4. 所有的預訂,建議至少提早一星期預訂,本公司會在入住/出遊前5天發送郵件提醒。

  5. 若您的計劃有變,請務必儘早提出取消,您可透過電郵、電話或登入自行取消。

  6. 若您臨時取消(入住前一天 或 參團前12小時),或原約定時間而没有出現(包括遲到、聯絡不上、自行放棄等 NO-SHOW 情況),旅遊公司有權收取每人團費之100%的取消費,並由本公司負責追討。

  7. 旅遊團的價格以共車(SIC)為基準,若您需要私人團,價格將有所變動。

  8. 辦理退款事宜,除扣除原運營商/旅遊公司規定的費用外,將會另徵收5%手續費作為取消費。

  9. 刊登的行程時間及安排僅供參考,將會依據當下情況進行任何必要的更動。

  10. 各家旅遊公司及運營商都有自己的政策,若與本站刊載的政策有所出入,一切以該公司/運營商為準。

  11. 若您提供的個人資料不實,本公司有權拒絕(取消)您的預訂。

  12. 本條款及細則的中、英文版如有任何差異,均以英文版本為準。

  13. 網站內容或預訂規則可能不盡完善,或有讓您混淆的地方,敬請提出詢問,若中間有誤解,均以本公司的詮釋為準。


  1. 旅遊公司或運營商提供服務的滿意度、完整性、設施新舊程度等均與本公司無關,若您有任何投訴或建議,可透過本公司轉達。

  2. 不是透過本公司網站預訂的旅遊團/客房/汽車,即使是由同一家旅遊公司/運營商提供,本公司是不負任何責任的。

  3. 您的自身安全、個人財物、班機時間、行程規劃等,均與本公司無關。

  4. 各團有可能因各種自然或人為因素而取消,例如:天氣、路況、人力或車輛調配等,無法保證 100% 成行,但旅遊公司都將盡力而為。

  5. 若您提供的個人資料有誤,例如姓名、電話、接送地點、護照號碼、指定的房型、參加的活動...等,而導致無法順利成行,本公司不負任何責任,而您的預訂將視為臨時取消,無法作任何退款。

  6. 運營商及旅遊公司有權修改服務內容而不另行通知。

  7. 若因為壞天氣、坍塌、路上交通意外及其他可能的突發狀況而導致您趕不上當天的班機,旅遊公司將不負責原旅遊服務之外的機票、食宿及其他相關的支出。

  8. 運營商不負責及承擔任何因意外事故(汽車拋錨)而發生的所有損失、不便及費用。行程啟程後將不獲任何退費。

  9. 基於本公司作業的便利性,本公司有權拒絕任何類型的預訂而不必告知原因。


如果您對於您假期期間的安排有所不滿,並且您可以證明這是旅行社或導遊違反合同的結果,您必須採取一切合理措施(包括但不局限於告知相關人員),以盡可能減低對您假期的影響,是為『減輕損失』條款(Mitigation of Loss)。如果您沒有盡快(或當場)投訴並且給旅行社或導遊合理的時間和機會將事情糾正,或者如果您不接受任何合理的解決問題方式,恕不接受事後索賠。

Personal Data Protection

This Personal Data Protection Notice ("Notice") describes how Netquas Holiday Sdn. Bhd. [and its respective subsidiaries, associate companies and jointly controlled entities] ("the company") uses your Personal Data.

In the event of any conflict between the English and other language versions, the English version shall prevail. The Company shall have the right to modify, update or amend the terms of this Notice at any time by [notifying you and/or placing the updated Notice on the the Company website ("Website") at the following link: http://sabahbooking.com. By continuing to communicate with the Company or use The Company's services following the modifications, updates or amendments to this Notice, such actions shall signify your acceptance of such modifications, updates or amendments.

Collection of Personal Data

  1. "Personal Data" means information about you, from which you are identifiable, including but not limited to your name, identification card number, telephone numbers, address, email address, date of birth, age, gender, photograph, race, ethnic origin, nationality, passport number, social media contact, marital status, information about your company and your designation in your company, credit/debit card details, your flight and travel details, frequent flyer number or other loyalty program membership number, or any information about you which you have provided to the Company in any correspondence or when you engage the Company for services and/or any information about you that has been or may be directly or indirectly collected, stored, used and processed by the Company from time to time. The Company may also collect sensitive personal data such as data relating to your health, religion or other similar beliefs, and you hereby expressly consent to the use of such sensitive personal data, and sensitive personal data will form part of the definition of "Personal Data".

  2. In addition to the Personal Data you provide to the Company directly, the Company may also collect your Personal Data from a variety of sources, including from inquiry forms, application forms, registration forms and/or other similar forms, company searches, corporate documents that may contain your personal data, governmental agencies, when you interact and communicate with the Company at any events, fairs or roadshows, via the Website or otherwise or when you make enquiries. If you do not wish to have cookies placed on your computer while browsing the Website, please set your browsers to refuse cookies before using the Website, with the drawback that certain features of the Website may not function properly without the aid of cookies.

  3. Provision of your Personal Data is mandatory for the Purposes (as outlined below). If you do not provide the Company with your Personal Data, the Company will not be able to provide the services you have requested, such as organising your travel arrangements.

Purposes of Processing

  1. The Company may use and process your Personal Data to provide you the services you have requested, to perform the contract you have entered into with the Company and for the purposes relating to the business and activities of the Company which shall include, without limitation the following ("the Purposes"):-

    • to process your travel arrangements or for matters related to your travel arrangements, including for flight and accommodation bookings, making ground arrangements, purchasing insurance, application of visa, etc;

    • to facilitate your participation in any contests or promotional/marketing events which you have signed up for;

    • to facilitate your participation in loyalty programs;

    • for purposes of billing and payments relating to the services you have requested;

    • to contact and correspond with you regarding various matters pertaining to the services you have requested, such as the status of your travel arrangements, last minute cancellations, etc;

    • to respond to questions, comments and feedback from you;

    • for internal administrative purposes, such as auditing, data analysis, and to improve our services;

    • for purposes of detection, prevention and prosecution of crime;

    • to enforce or defend the Company's legal rights and/or to obtain legal advice;

    • for the Company to comply with its obligations under law whether within or outside Malaysia;

    and you agree and consent to the Company using and processing your Personal Data in the manner as identified in this Notice.

Marketing and promotional purposes

  1. Unless you have indicated otherwise, the Company may also use and process your Personal Data for marketing and advertising purposes such as to:-

    • send you communications regarding the Company's latest promotions and services;

    • Contact and inform you about events, fairs or exhibitions which may be of interest to you;

    • conduct market surveys

    by way of post, telephone calls, short messaging service (SMS) and/or by email ("Marketing Purposes")

    If you do not consent to the Company processing your Personal Data for the Marketing Purposes, please notify the Company using the contact details stated below.

Transfer of Personal Data

  1. Your Personal Data may be transferred to, stored, used and processed in a jurisdiction other than Malaysia, such as in the following circumstances:

    • Where travel arrangements have been made in a country outside Malaysia;

    • Where personal information is required to be disclosed to various law enforcement agencies and governments for security, customs and immigration purposes;

    • Where the Company's service providers, contractors, agents or partners are located outside of Malaysia;

    • Where the Company's servers or back-up servers are located outside of Malaysia.

    and you understand and consent to the transfer of your Personal Data out of Malaysia as described herein.

Disclosure to Third Parties

  1. Your personal data may be transferred, accessed or disclosed to third parties for the Purposes or for Marketing Purposes. Further, the Company may engage other companies, service providers or individuals to perform functions on the Company's behalf, and consequently may provide access or disclose to your Personal Data to such service providers or third parties. The third parties referred to in this section include (without limitation):-

    • (a) Service providers such as the Company's information technology (IT) service providers;

    • (b) Contractors in order for the Company to complete a transaction on your behalf;

    • (c) Marketing and advertising agencies;

    • (d) Our professional advisors, including our legal advisors, auditors, accountants and consultants;

    • (e) The Company's subsidiaries, associate companies and jointly controlled entities; and

    • (f) Regulatory and governmental authorities in order to comply with statutory and government requirements.

    Your Personal Data may also be shared in connection with a corporate transaction, such as a sale of a subsidiary or a division, merger, consolidation, or asset sale, or in the unlikely event of winding-up.

Access & Correction Requests and Inquiries

  1. Subject to any exceptions under applicable laws, you may request for access to and/or request correction of your Personal Data, request to limit the processing of your Personal Data for Marketing Purposes and/or make any inquiries regarding your Personal Data by contacting [email protected]

  2. Please note that if you withdraw your consent for the Company to process your Personal Data for the Purposes, the Company may consequently not be able to transact or contract with you and may be unable to provide you the products or services which you have requested.

  3. In respect of your right to access and/or correct your Personal Data, the Company has the right to refuse your requests to access and/or make any correction to your Personal Data for the reasons permitted under law, such as where the expense of providing access to you is disproportionate to the risks to your or another person's privacy. The Company reserves the right to impose a fee for access of your Personal Data in the amounts as permitted under law.

Links to Third-Party Websites

  1. The Website may contain links to third parties' websites. Please note that the Company is not responsible for the collection, use, maintenance, sharing, or disclosure of data and information by such third parties. If you provide information directly to such sites, the privacy policy and terms of service on those sites are applicable and the Company is not responsible for the information processing practices or privacy policies of such sites.

Personal Information from Minors and Other Individuals

  1. As a parent or legal guardian, please do not allow the minor (individuals under 18 years of age) under your care to submit Personal Data to the Company. In the event that such Personal Data is provided to the Company, you hereby consent to the processing of the minor's Personal Data as his/her parent or legal guardian and personally accept and agree to be bound by this Notice and take responsibility for his or her actions.

  2. In some circumstances you may have provided personal data relating to other individuals (such as your spouse, family members, colleagues or friends) and in such circumstances you represent and warrant that you are authorised to provide their personal data to the Company and you have obtained their consent for their personal data be processed and used in the manner as set forth in this Notice and they have been alerted to the contents of this Notice.

Acknowledgement and Consent

  1. By communicating with the Company, engaging the Company or using the Company's services, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this Notice and agree and consent to the use, processing and transfer of your Personal Data by the Company as described in this Notice.


  1. 所有線上付款均交由線上收款機構(MOLPay)代收,本公司系統不會存儲您信用卡的資料,意即不會也不可能自行在您的信用卡上扣款。